MATING AND PUPPIES - 1 , 2 , ... |
Date of birth: October 16, 2014. Litter "Z" |
We are proud to present you the new litter of Apollon!
Today in our kennel arrived eleven remarkable puppies, six boys and five girls.
Father – Adam Racy Style APOLLON
Champion of National Club of Russian Black Terriers.
Prize-winner of the main Special show of BRT CLUB "Krasnaya Zvezda".
Grand Champion of Russia,
Champion and Junior Champion of Russia,
Champion of Moldova,
RKF Champion, OANKOO Champion,
RFOS champion,
Candidate for Inter Champions.
Siberian, large, volume, powerful bitch! With a beautiful, large breed head, correct lines and proportions.
Tough breed wool, dark pigment eyes and gums! A balanced nervous system with strong security qualities!
Candidate for champions Russia and Russian Cynological federation. Pedigree:

The new pretty litter in our kennel again!
Father - Adam Racy Style APOLLON
Champion of National Club of Russian Black Terriers, Grand Champion of Russia, Champion of Moldova, Champion of Russia, Junior Champion of Russia, Double Champion RKF, Champion OANKOO, Champion RFOS, Candidate to the Grand Champions – 4 times CACIB, Class Winner of the Main MonoBreed Dog Show "Krasnaya Zvezda". Pedigree:
Mother - RAPSODIYA NOCHI iz Uralskoy Mechty
Champion of Russia, Junior Champion of Russia, Double Champion RKF, Junior Champion of National Club of Russian Black Terriers, Double Champion of National Club of Russian Black Terriers, Candidate to the Inter Champion, Double CACIB, Triple Winner of the Club, JuniorWinner of the Club, Class Winner of the Dog Show " EVRAZIYA - 2012" , Russian training courses-1, T-1.
In late May in our Kennel were born 12 wonderful puppies-terriers - 4 boys and 8 girls. All of them were born from the beautiful couple!
Parents of puppies are healthy, beautiful dogs, already proven themselves as excellent sires!
Mother - Adam Racy Style ALEKSANDRA
(ADAM Malahovskiy õ Moskvorechie BORESLAVA LUBOV ADAMA)
Junior Champion of Russia, Champion of Russia, Champion of Moldova, Double Champion of RKF, Champion RFSS, Champion OANKOO, Champion RFLS, Double Champion RFOS!, Candidate to the Champions of National BRT Breed Club and International Champions. Prizewinner of the largest exhibitions - "Champion of BRT Interclub", "Russia - 2012", Russia - 2013", "Eurasia - 2014".
Father - ATAS, prosto ATAS! VIVAT! POLTAVA
(Lubomir Krasavchik Noch na Kupalu õ Zlata Knyazhna Noch na Kupalu)
Inter Champion, Champion of RKF, Champion of Ukraine, Champion of Russia, Champion of Belorussia, Champion of Bulgaria, Champion of Romania, Champion of Moldova, Champion of Poland, Champion of Lituania, Champion of Balcans, Super Grand Champion of Ukraine, Gr.Champion of Ukraine, Gr.Champion of Bulgaria!
BRT Champion of Belorussia, Champion of National Club of Bulgaria, Candidate to the Champions of International BRT Breed Club, Champion of National Club of Ukraine, The winner of the National Championship of Ukraine! Work diploma "Urban Dog".
Dysplasia TBS: HD-A, ED-0.
For future owners we are offered two very interesting boys and three pretty girls!
Puppies are located in Moscow as well.

Have done!!! 11 beautiful puppies, 7 boys and 4 girls were born in victory and ADAM’s birth day 9th of may!!!
Our very very big and sincerely congratulations to ANFISA, BOSS and theirs owners AGNES and CZESLAW as well!
The puppies are avaiable in Hungary.
New litters in our Kennel we expect in May and June in Russia (Moscow) and in Hungary!
Keep in touch with our news!
Two new and very interesting litters we expect in July and August in Moscow and Yekaterinburg!
Keep abreast of our news!
Today we would like to introduce the new very interesting litter which recently was born our KENNEL
The mam is our young star ADAM RACY STYLE ALEKSANDRA - Junior Champion of Russia,
Champion of Russia,
Champion of RKF, RFSS, RFLS,
Candidate to the Champions of National BRT Breed Club and International Champions.
The daddy is well-known champion and sire Zlato Bojar GAVRILA LADIN SYN - International Champion, Vice Champion of Europe,
Champion of National and International BRT Breed Clubs,
Junior Champion of Russia,
Champion and Grand Champion of Russia,
Champion of RKF,
Champion of Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia,
Baltic Winner,
Multiple winner of Best Sires, dysplasia HD-A.
While we may offer a few nice boys and beautiful girls with tails and docking tails. So, please do not hesitate to contact us on this matter by e-mail or by phone.
The first minutes in the life...

The mam and daddy...

Meanwhile, the kids growing up and some of them already was reserved and ready to go to their homes in Italy, Kazakhstan and even in Australia!
However, some great girls and boys still waiting the owners, so do not miss them and contact us on this matter without any hesitation by e-mail: pup@adam-brt.ru or by cell:
+7 903 720-1437
A short photo session in two weeks after birth with cups of grandfather ADAM...

Puppies are one month old already and we publish theirs first photos in show stand.
Now we can offer two wonderful boys and one young lady, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

Recently puppies were two months of age!
Happy Birthday! We sincerely wish all of them the love and happiness in the new families! We wish to grow the most beautiful! And of course we wish two our rest most pretty kids to meet theirs loving moms and dads very soon!
The best boy and girl are available for sale now but names of these guys fully consistent with theirs status, physique and temperament!
Adam Racy Style VENERA (VENUS)

Adam Racy Style WASHINGTON

The best male for sale, 3 months old - Adam Racy Style WASHINGTON (mom - Adam Racy Style ALEXANDRA, dad - Zlato Bojar GAVRILA LADIN SYN, pedigree - HERE).
The boy is big, handsome, powerful, very beautiful with a magnificent movements, strong topline, nice breed head, right bite, elegant, excellent quality hair!
Extraordinary character, the real Russian Black Terrier - affectionate and obedient to the family members and is wary of protection to strangers already!
Fully vaccinated by the age, ready to be sent to a new home!
Adam Racy Style WASHINGTON

Two new and very interesting litters we expect in the April and May 2013 in Moscow!
Do not miss our black terrier puppies and follow up our news!
Again the litter! Seven wonderful grandchildren of ADAM were born in November 22!
Titles: Candidate to the Champion of Russia
1 x CAC
Father - Malahovskiy EKSTAZ
Congratulations to the parents and future owners!

Grandchildren! Our black russian terrier pups!
Father – Malahovskiy INTER SYN ADAMA
Mother – ZVEZDA PITERA s Nevskogo Berega
Titles: Candidate to the Champion of Russia
1 x CAC
Congratulations to the parents!

More pleasant news we have again!
There are a six beautiful guys was born today from our star BORESLAVA and also well-known ZLATOGOR s Zolotogo Grada. The Cosmonautics Day has become the Birthday of future champions too!
Mother – Moskvorechie BORESLAVA LUBOV ADAMA
Titles: Candidate to the Champion of Russia
1 x CAC
Father – ZLATOGOR s Zolotogo Grada
For the future owners we offer three thickset and strong boys and really very nice young girl. So, please do not hesitate to contact us on this matter by e-mail: pup@adam-brt.ru or by cell phone: +7 903 720-1437
The first days russian black terrier puppies...

One month later...

Today we would like to present the first, very interesting litter from our stars ADAM and BORESLAVA what was born one month ago!
For the future owners we can offer two thickset boys and very sweet full of energy nice female puppy. So, do not miss them and hurry up to write us directly: pup@adam-brt.ru
Mother – Moskvorechie BORESLAVA LUBOV ADAMA
Titles: Candidate to the Champion of Russia
1 x CAC
Father – Malahovskiy ADAM
Your calls will be appreciated for us too: +7 903 720-1437
The detailed, interesting bloods pedigree, first photos and other useful information as always we'll put here, into PHOTOALBUM and OFFSPRINGS subsections very soon!
The first days in a life...

Eight charming grandsons - four boys and four girls - recently were born in Croatia from our daughter ISKRA & ZLATO BOJAR GAVRILA whom hope it is not necessary to represent to anybody.
Father - Zlato Bojar GAVRILA LADIN SYN
Mother – Beliy Ostrov ISKRA
Titles: Candidate to the Champion of Russia
1 x CAC
God be thanked , all children are healthy, thickset and start to master new world gradually.
One boy and one girl for breeding, shows and family are offered for sale. So, do not miss them, call or write to us without hesitation: pup@adam-brt.ru
The first photos of mum and kiddies in some days after birth...
Very pleasant news has come from Chile where paraded our TIBO POTOMOK ADAMA. Till two years he became already the Young and Adult Champion of Chile, the Young and Adult Champion of Argentina, has collected four CACIB, six CACLAB, BOB and even won the Best of Group Title!
And a couple of weeks he became the daddy (TIBO + ABBA), so eleven charming kiddies - five boys and six girls have joined the ranks of blackies in South America!
For future owners we can offer two remarkable guys and two nice little girls.
So, please write to us without any hesitation: pup@adam-brt.ru or call directly: +7 903 720-1437
The grandchild’s pedigree and first kids photos will appear soon here and in our new section OFFSPRINGS!
The first shoots of pups at one month...

Today we would like to present the litter from ADAM's daughter ARIADNA which have born at the end of May 2009 in Moscow.
Mother – Moskvorechie ARIADNA
Titles: Candidate to the Champion of Russia
1 x CAC
The puppies have collected the leading and most perspective bloods on which the basic population of this line is bred. Strong, bony, with correct of front and back finitenesses angles, good front line, very beautiful heads, right puppies in lines will be interesting for show and breeding purpose.
For sale we may offer two very nice young ladies, so please do not hesitate at all to contact us directly by e-mail: pup@adam-brt.ru or by phone.

Today, we would like to announce the new litter from ADAM and ORHIDEYA what hope will appear in about three-four weeks in Russia.
Mother – ORHIDEYA OT ZAHARA s Samarskiy Zhiguley
Titles: Candidate to the Champion of Russia
1 x CAC
Father – Malahovskiy ADAM
ORHIDEYA OT ZAHARA is grandchild of well known studs MEDVED RAZGULYAI STAVR GODINOVICH and LEDOGOR IZ RUSSKOY DINASTII. There is a linear's mating - very interesting, good set, strong and clever female, therefore we expect a nice friendly kids for the breeding and shows reason with not so bad working temperament at the same time.
The prospective babies’ pedigree is below, more details such as mum’s photos, character details and other useful information are coming very soon.
But for the future owners we advice to reserve the best puppies beforehand by phone or e-mail: pup@adam-brt.ru

Dear Friends!
We would like to announce that ADAM’s frozen semen is available now in Europe countries.
So please, do not hesitate absolutely to contact us on this matter by phone or e-mail: mating@adam-brt.ru

The new litter from ADAM and EFROSINYA has born this autumn in 20.09.2008.
And looking at the THE FAMILY TREE of puppies, besides the good show and breeding potential, we expect also the nice confident working qualities!
Titles: Candidate to the Champion of Russia
1 x CAC
Father – Malahovskiy ADAM
For the future owners two fine little girls-friend are free now.
Please, do not hesitate to contact us directly:
+7 903 720-1437, pup@adam-brt.ru
+ |
Today the kiddies celebrates two months
old and while the new shoots still coming to us, we place the first photos of three nice little girls aged about 20 days.
Two young ladies with good shows and guard potential are still free for lovers. Do not pass them, hurry up to write or call us!
All puppies have found their bes
t owners, so now we are awaiting their first shoots for our PHOTALBUM

Date of birth: December 12, 2007 |
The pleasant news has come to us before New Year - there is a new litter in BELY OSTROV KENNEL from ADAM and DAURIA
Date of a birth: on December 12th, 2007
PUPPIES Pedigree - here
The Daddy - ADAM
The Mum - DAURIA
Champion of Russia, RKF, BOB, OKD-1, ZKS-1
All puppies are reserved already but the most persistent can try good luck having called or written to US or to BELY OSTROV
Today, we are very glad to announce the new litter from ADAM and CHERNIKA - six strong kids of the Tolyatty's breeding, square and broad-headed with powerful skeleton, fine hair and the counterbalanced mentality were born in the Saratov city on Volga river.
Date of a birth: on October 27th, 2007
PUPPIES Pedigree - here
The Daddy - ADAM
Young Champion of Russia (JCH RUS), Champion of Russia RKF, BOB, OKD, etc.
Two boys (with cutting and not cutting tails) and one very nice girl are offered the future owners nowadays.
So, please call or write to us without any hesitation: pup@adam-brt.ru
All puppies have found their owners in Moscow, Tolyatti and Saratov. And two boys-travellers have gone to conquer the future rings to Austria and South America.
The first photos have already started to appear in our PHOTALBUM and we expect more shoots very soon.
The puppies have found the owners in Switzerland, Israel, Hungary and in Bulgaria, of course.
But one very beautiful Adam’s son is still free.
Show class, do not miss him - VITYAZ RATIBOR ADAMYCH!
was most fastidious but he also one week ago has chosen the worthy owners. And in our PHOTOALBUM the new pages, devoted to kiddies from new litters have started to be added.
The first in this series had appeared VELIKAYA KNYAZHNA OLGA located in Hungary and VIKING THE BRAVE from Israel.

Our Team from Euro Dog Show has not had time to return as we waited a pleasant surprise at home – the puppies were born again!
In this time – the BELY OSTROV KENNEL and its VICTORIA
Date of a birth: on June 15th, 2007
PUPPIES Pedigree - here
The Daddy - ADAM
Champion of Russia, ICU, RKF, BOB, OKD-1, ZKS-1
Some puppies have reserved already but the excellent set-up one Boy and one Girl are available for your requests.
Please write: pup@adam-brt.ru
Or call: +7 495 720-1437
Of course, we'll place details and some photos into PHOTOALBUM and on their own special pages but some information is available already here:
- on the web-site of BELY OSTROV KENNEL
- and on the web-site of our Spanish FRIENDS
Today the puppies celebrate one month old and in honor of such significant event we put some photos below with pleasure.
In spite of the fact that the majority of puppies have been reserved at a birth already, just recently we have started to be determined with their names and have already precisely solved now that the first letter will be "I".
Therefore, one beautiful GIRL is available for her future owners.
Very friendly temper, shows perspective and good guards are built already in her nice pedigree and body!
In our Picture gallery the first photos of puppies began to appear. The owners of INK, IVOLGA and IVAN SYN ADAMA have already started to send us the shoots, to visit training and prepare for their first shows.

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The New Year's Surprise from Adam and Ragneda was presented to us – 3x3 pappies - three little girls and three boys were born a few days ago. One of boys has already named ADAM ADAMYCH!
Date of a birth: on December 26th, 2006
The Daddy - ADAM
The Mum - Moskvorechie ROGNEDA
The MULTICHAMPION, Champion of Russia, RKF, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, 4õCACIB, etc.
Please write: pup@adam-brt.ru
Or call: +7 495 720-1437
Of course, we'll place the report and some photos into PHOTOALBUM
and on their own pages but it will be happend after our big New Years's holidays.
ANTOSHKA SYN ADAMA special page has done already.
And now we have got a PUPPIES! Malahovskaya IZBRANNITSA ADAMA DOCH, Malahovskiy IGROK, Malahovskiy IMPULS, Malahovskiy ISKUSITEL ADAMA SYN, Malahovskiy INTELLIGENT, Malahovskiy IROI SYN ADAMA and Malahovskiy INTER
- are grown up, implanted and ready to choose the owners.
The Daddy - ADAM
The Mum - Malahovskaya ZHASMIN
Titles: Candidate to the Champion of Russia
1 x CAC
Congenital intelligence, body-guard qualities and shows career!
Date of a birth: on August 7th, 2006
Our Pedigree - here
Our Mum's Pedigree - here
Please write: pup@adam-brt.ru
Or call: +7 495 720-1437
Of course, we have placed some photos into PHOTOALBUM
The previous mates on pages 1 , 2 , ...